Ego vs. Intuition: 13 Ways to Balance Inner Forces and Tap Closer to Your Intuition + Yin Yoga Video Class
Hey there, fellow yoga lovers! 🌟 It’s Laura here, and today we're diving deep—like, submarine-deep—into the ocean of our inner selves. I still remember my yoga teacher training journey. That intense, eye-opening experience got me seriously hooked on the epic battle between two of our inner heavyweights: the ego and intuition. Oh, it was like watching a duel on my yoga mat!
So, what's the scoop on ego and intuition? Let's break it down before we jump into 13 tips to harmonize these forces.
Ego: This little gremlin is all about the "me, myself, and I" vibe. It thrives on control and dances on your insecurities, pushing you to one-up everyone else in the room (yes, even in a yoga class).
Intuition: This is your inner sage, a wise whisperer that nudges you towards choices that are in tune with your truest self. It’s less about what you see in the mirror and more about what you feel in that gut of yours.
In other words, according to yoga philosophy ego and intuition are two opposing forces that shape human behavior and perception.* Often associated with 'self-centeredness', the ego represents our desire to dominate and control, based on fear and a lack of security. Intuition, on the other hand, is a deep inner knowing that guides us through subconscious perceptions and a connection with universal wisdom. Yoga and philosophy teach us to recognize and overcome the ego, paving the way for purer and more direct intuition, which supports our growth.
Finding that sweet spot where both can coexist? Ready to learn how? Here are 13 ways to balance your ego and get cozy with your intuition. And don't forget to check out my Yin Yoga class on this topic—link at the end!
1. Meditate Daily
Quiet that mental chatter and let your intuition come through. It's like giving the stage to the shy kid in class—sometimes they have the most profound things to say. If you are new to this, then even 1-3 minutes silence for starting out is powerful, trust me!
2. Practice Mindfulness
Be present. The ego loves to dwell on past triumphs and future conquests, but intuition is all about the now.
3. Keep a Journal
Document your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, you need to see things in black and white to understand what your intuition is whispering.
4. Read Inspirational Literature
Books like Patanjali’s "Yoga Sutras" offer invaluable insights into transcending the ego and enhancing your intuitive powers. Crack open that wisdom! Check some books added down below. One of my favorites there is The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself" by Michael A. Singer.
I love hiking in the nature. This one is in Ireland!
5. Connect with Nature
Nothing like a walk in the park or a hike to clear the ego's incessant babbling and amplify your intuition.
6. Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is perfect for delving into the deeper parts of your consciousness and soothing the ego. Don’t miss my class on this! Join my Yin Yoga class here!
7. Listen Actively
Sometimes your intuition speaks through others. Yes, even when your ego wants to do all the talking.
8. Eat Clean
A nourished body houses a clearer mind. Junk out, intuition in.
9. Seek Feedback
It’s tough, but listening to how others perceive your actions can be a mirror to your ego and a window to your intuition.
10. Practice Empathy
Putting yourself in someone else’s yoga pants can help reduce ego-driven reactions and increase intuitive connections.
11. Laugh at Yourself
Don’t take yourself too seriously. The ego hates that, but your intuition loves a good chuckle.
12. Yoga Asanas
Specific poses like Warrior III and Tree pose help ground you, making it easier for intuition to take root.
13. Reflect on Your Dreams
Your sleeping mind is intuition’s playground. You can even keep a dream journal and start decoding the messages.
So there you have it—your playbook for balancing ego and tapping into your intuition. Remember, this isn't about choosing one over the other but about creating a harmony that lets you live your most authentic life. Dive into these practices, check out the books mentioned, and join me on the mat to explore more about yin yoga and intuition.
Until next time, keep stretching, breathing, and smiling—it confuses the ego! 😉
"Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" by Swami Satchidananda
This foundational text offers profound insights into the nature of the mind and methods to achieve harmony between ego and intuition through yoga practices.
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
Tolle explores the concept of ego extensively, teaching how to live in the present moment which can help diminish the power of the ego and strengthen intuition.
"Bhagavad Gita: As It Is" by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
The Gita discusses the battle between the higher self and the ego-driven mind, offering wisdom on navigating these internal conflicts.
"The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself" by Michael A. Singer
One of my favorites!!! Singer discusses how you can achieve liberation from the limitations of your ego and habitual thoughts, thus enhancing the flow of intuition.
"A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle
Another impactful book by Tolle that discusses the ego’s role in human suffering and the power of transcending its boundaries to live a more intuitive and fulfilling life.
“Ego is the enemy” by Ryan Holiday
Another powerful one that discusses the ego’s role and the fight to master our greatest opponent.